Tuesday, October 6, 2009

RJ 01 - What is Love?

Qustion: How can one use scientific thinking when assessing the value of friendship?


The value can be asses using scientific thinking.

Firstly by using empiricism, one can uses what he thinks and feels uses his five senses. When one uses his five senses, he can dissect what is he exactly thinking and that he will learn to value friendship with feelings.

Secondly by using rationalism, one can use logic on who is right and wrong friend to make. One can have the ability to be sure of what exactly are the friends he want to mix around with. Therefore, allowing him to make the right decision to choose the right friends.

Lastly, scepticism. One can use devil advocacy to apply on friendship. By allowing one to choose between the rate of making a friend where it will lead and therefore assess the value of the friendship.

Therefore when one uses scientific thinking when assessing the value of friendship, one can learn to value the right friends with the right values.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 2:00 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GPA grade...

Woah... C+, was just too amazing...

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 5:17 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

RJ - Adopting A Successful Practice


Choose One: 1. An old uncle was heard exclaiming ' Aiyoh! In peak hour crowds, it's easier getting in than getting out of the MRT train cabins. Everyone just wants to get into the cabin and rush for seat, so I can't even find a seat. ' This old man echoes only one of the many typical & daily encounters of a MRT passenger. How is it possible to improve the experiences of using the MRT during peak rush hours? 2. What would your desired 3rd meeting be like?


I am not quite sure if I am able to interpret the first
question easily. Therefore I am going for the second
question, since there’s an option.
My desired 3rd meeting will be to be stay active/awake
and not getting distracted by computer games. Currently,
it may be because many students in class are also
distracted by the computers and not concentrating in the
presentation. It may seems impossible to stay
awake/focus for long during long presentation. I
personally felt that during the first, two presentations
were still fine with me, but when it goes on, I was
drowned by the words/the way that they speak.
I think that many people are staying awake by the usage
of computer (well this only speaks well for introvert
students). I am not too sure about the rest who were
laughing away using their computers. But I am just going
to speak for myself. I don’t think that multi tasking is
good. I am still wondering what is the alternative
beside playing games and getting more distracted rather
then focusing.
As for how to get the class active participation will be
either we as presenter try to think of some jokes to
keep the crowd entertain or to find maybe some clips to
get the crowd’s attention beside shouting to get their
attention. That’s all for what I could think of.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 6:56 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

RJ - Evaluate

Qns: Recall a tough choice that you'd to make: Why was it difficult and how did you decide?

A tough choice to make was to keep quiet and not
informing the facilitator about the problem that I
faced. I could choose to make lots of noise or to choose
to keep quiet. But somehow, today I wasn’t able to
understand or grasp the topic as well as I have
expected. I was already have been concentrating a lot.
But I was still at a lost.
I cannot believe that I was still lost after lunch time.
But I am quite sure that whatever I have written do not
make any sense since it is not link to what I have
learnt. I have once made a very tough choice when buying
my laptop. I was pondering over Fujitsu laptop and Acer
Laptop. Both brands have good quality. At that point of
time, my only concern was the style.
My purpose was that the laptop stylish and have large
memory space. Then I evaluate on both brands and then I
came to a conclusion.
I thought that Fujitsu’s laptop was stylish and very
cool looking as it is pink in colour. All girls’
favourite. But when I look at its’ memory space, it was
quite little compared to Acer. Acer’s laptop is also
stylish but I do not really like the colour. But when I
evaluate on the memory space, I think Acer laptop is
better. Therefore I came to the conclusion that I should
buy Acer laptop.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 7:02 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

RJ - Analyse This

Qns: Choose ONE: 1. Reflect & analyze: how did we fare as a team today? 2. Analyze & understand 'Who and what I am today'...

I would do the first question. I think we fared quite well. We were able to complete our worksheet in record time and to complete our PDT in record timing too. I was surprised that everyone was so concentrating on the PDT and worksheet. I think we were able to delegate our task evenly.

I was handling question 4 of the worksheet. It wasn’t easy to do as I couldn’t see the link to the problem statement. I am thankful that my team members were supportive and help me out with my worksheet by telling me to do my best which I did. I tried to use my knowledge on enterprise as we learnt MBTI in enterprise. I managed to complete the worksheet although I am not quite sure if it is correct. I was able to figure out what was going on in class except during the presentation.

I really tried very hard not to use my computer, but I couldn’t stay awake. I almost have fallen asleep. I tried eating sweets and chewing chewing gums... but all these doesn’t seem to work. =.=” Will be trying another method next week. And I would say, playing game is definitely out. I am really trying hard and I am going to try harder.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 7:24 AM

RJ - A Rose By Any Other Name

Qns: What are the considerations for 'Quality Effort & Response' to a day's problem?

The considerations for quality effort and response to a day’s problem will depend on how one’s perception.

For one’s perception of things is that just giving ideas, any random ideas is actually contributing and responding, while for some their benchmark is actually do be able to come out with good ideas and responses and lastly of course to be able to come out with a good presentation. Different people have different perception on how things are to be done, people also have different bench mark. This bench mark is not referring to the ISO9001 or whatsoever. For example, one man’s needs may be one man’s poison. It all depends on the person needs and wants. For myself, I may not think that there is a need to have ISO9001, while some may think that it is important to have ISO9001.

Let me give you a situation, I am just an average person. I think that whether I get the ISO9001 award a not is not important. I think so long my customer keep coming back is the most important thing. I think that if I get ISO9001, it is definitely a bonus. There are quite a number of people thinks otherwise. They feel that when one get ISO9001 award, it is like a confirmation of how good their food/product is. They will raise the price of their products. This resulted a loss, as customers felt that it is expensive or the product that they are getting isn’t what they have expected or the cost of the product is not within their grasp.

In conclusion, for me personally, if one has put in the effort to give their best, I will believe them as this will give them that I trust them. People among people need to be able to trust one another or else there nothing will be worth doing. Life will not be worth living as you have to guess if this claim is true or if this person is lying or whatsoever. It is a tiring job and you will find that life is tiring.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 7:23 AM

RJ - What's Up

Qns: Comment on these arguments: 1.Smoking is bad for health. Those who smoke are likely to develop health problems. So bad health is caused by smoking. 2.H1N1 is now a panademic. A panademic is widespread all over the world. Many people will succumb to it and those who don't survive it will die. It'll wipe out humankind and the world will come to an end. 3. The Principal says that staying at home will contain the spread of virus. The principal is right. We should all stay home until the viral attack is over.

For the first question, it is beating around the bush. It did not go straight to the point. This result that the audience find it no conclusion as it only have the starting and linking but no justification nor clear explanation on what they exactly want to convey to the audience.

For the second question, there is no justification on how H1N1 will kill people which will lead to the wipe out of humankind. It only give an argument statement by saying that H1N1 is panademic, and that it will wipe out humankind and the world will come to an end. It doesn’t seem to explain how.

For the third question, it has stated its point, justify it and come to a satisfying conclusion. The message that they want to convey to the audience is clear and easy to be understood.

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi blogged at 7:22 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

About Me

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi
Pass Cognitive

Other Roads

Ruth Yeo Qian Yi
RJ for Math
RJ for Science
RJ for Communication
RJ for Enterprise

The Trodden Road

~July 2009~
~September 2009~
~October 2009~

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Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities